CrackMe Walkthroughs

Welcome! This page is dedicated to the walkthroughs of CrackMe’s; for those of you who are unaware here’s a definition from Wikipedia,

CrackMe is a program designed to test a programmer’s reverse engineering skills. 
CrackMe’s are made as a legal way to crack software, since no intellection property is being infringed upon.


While I do my best to simplify the complexity in each of my CrackMe posts, I do make the assumption that you have basic assembly (x86/x64/ARM) and reverse engineering tool (Ghidra/IDA/Debugger) experience. If you’re lacking any of these, or if you find yourself reading one of my posts and scratching your head, you may want to visit my useful information page, try the CrackMe yourself using some tools, or even pick up a book to thoroughly learn SRE.